Dear Visitor ,
We are now just over halfway through the season, and we hope that you are having a wonderful time visiting our pool. Already we have had many appreciative visitors coming to the pool while on holiday in the areas including visitors from as far away as Japan, Australia and South Africa.
Over the past couple of weeks we have welcomed several school groups to the pool enjoy an end of school year treat. We hope that many of these pupils will return during the summer holidays.
The Youth Evenings on Fridays are proving to be a great success again this year with many regulars plus a few new faces every week. We also welcome parents who would like to stay during the session, maybe having a hot drink or an ice cream from our tuck shop.
Booked Swims
Please may we remind you that if you are unable to attend your booked session, please cancel the swim in good time. We have noticed that a number of swimmers are forgetting to do this and depriving others the chance to take your place and experience the pool, This is especially important on our lane swims which are regulary booked to capacity.
Season Tickets
Season Tickets are still on sale and worth buying if you swim twice a week or more. If you are around during the summer holidays, you may find this an especially useful activity. Also, may we remind you if you have not already done so to collect your printed season ticket from the gate.
Locker Keys
Prior to the season, we made sure that the lockers were in good working order with keys fitted to all of them. Sadly, many of the keys have disappeared leaving these lockers out of action. If you have found a locker key that you have taken home by mistake, please could you return it as soon as possible so that other people can make use of the lockers. We would really appreciate this.
Fundraising Activities
Our bookstall with a team of 4 volunteers in the Corn Hall continues to be a good fundraiser. The bookstall is open on Monday mornings and stays there with an honesty box until Thursday evening.
Any donations of books are gratefully received at the pool or in the Corn Hall (under our table). A big thank you to Wildmoor Properties for their generosity in providing the space in the Corn Hall for us to use.
Lost property is another little fundraiser for us. Any items left at the pool are gathered up at the end of the day and stored for approximately one week. At the end of this time, any items that are saleable are laundered and put out for sale on the rail in the pool entrance. This is a great way to recycle and provides a service for people who arrive at the pool only to find a towel or costume is missing from their kit.
These recycled Items may be hired or bought, please put a donation in the pot on the rail. If you do not want to take your garment or towel home, please leave it at the desk for re laundering and resale.
If you are a family with kids who have outgrown their swim kit, please consider bringing it along to the pool and donating it for re-use by someone else, thank you! Anything we can't sell is taken to charity shops, fabric and plastic recycling etc. If you have any ideas for recycling drinks bottles, we would appreciate hearing from you.
Speaking of recycling..............................................